
Ear Tubes

Today was B-Mans big day! We took Bri to LaPoint last night to have a sleepover with Grammy and Papa and came home and played with Bronson. We knew the whole no food or drink thing would get him so we kept him up as late as he could. (When he has ear troubles he is up ALL night and the only thing that helps him is to suck on a bottle.) So at 9 he took a bath, took some motrin, and had his bottle. He went to sleep easily, but sure enough was up at 1. UGH!!! It was so hard. He screamed for a "baba" for two hours. We watched Cars, Barney, and Land Before Time… Finally at 2 we gave him a bottle. We had no choice. He fell asleep and tossed and turned the rest of the night. We got to the hospital at 7 this morning, and I was so nervous they were going to have to cancel because of his bottle. Luckily, the anesthesiologist said Bronson would be fine. So, the wait began! At 10 minutes until 8 the first little baby went back for her tubes. 10 minutes later Bronson's cute little friend went. She took a little longer, and finally at 8:25 Bronson was up. The nurse came to get him and of course he freaked! He screamed "MAMAMAMAMA" the whole way into the operating room. 10 minutes later Dr. Catten showed up and said it was all over. He said Bronson's ears were infected and there was a lot of fluid they had to drain in them. He said he had done very well though. Next thing I know I hear Jake say, "Oh here he comes!" Bronson was screaming at the nurse for his "blanket" and "baba". She was saying, "Hold on… As soon as we get to your room." The guy pushing the bed was apologizing for not going fast enough. Bronson saw me and dove into my arms. They took his oxygen stats and said we could go home. It was awesome. Now he is napping and getting right back on his schedule! I'm so glad we did it, and so glad it is over!

In order for Bri to have a sleep over she has to get the "thumbs up" from Papa. He texted her this yesterday afternoon.

 She texted him back...
 We face timed Stac hahahaha! It was so funny.
 Heading out the door.

 He and this little girl just cruised all over playing with Bronson's truck.
 Right when he got back to us.
 Relaxing and watching Cars!

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