
Old Times

The Henderson family is back in town. Jennie's Grandpa passed away, and so they came home. As sad as we are for their loss, it was nice to have a night together with them. Jake, Jen, Hadly, and HaDyn showed up around 6:30, and the fun began. The girls all had so much fun playing in the basement, and we loved having adult conversation upstairs! We ate dinner, and then just sat around and visited while watching Saturday Night Live (old school!). We are so excited for them to move home from North Dakota, and we hear it might be as early as this summer! Brilee and HaDyn could very easily take after their Dad's and become very good friends. This could be scary for Jennie and I... I don't know how the mothers of our husbands survived! 
 Brilee had so much built up energy waiting for them to come. Poor girl has been cooped up too long! Jake walked in and she said, "come on Daddy... wrestle me." So, he pinned her. ;) 

But she ended up winning after all!
Love these crazy gals!


Well Children

Today we had well child checks for both of the kids. Jake took the day off work so he could help me with them at the doctor office. I was extremely grateful for his help... all day! We had a rough day yesterday where all of us came down with the stomach flu, but today was much better. Thankfully my Mom had come over yesterday to help us out with our 8 loads of laundry we accumulated in ONE night!!!! But today I still had some cleaning up to do. Marley and Haddy came to play around 9, and we dropped them off at Granny's around 1. We then headed right to the doctor. Bronson is still puking occasionally so I was super excited to have him looked at. We waited for about an hour to hear we have healthy kids. I always leave so happy and grateful after these appointments. Dr. Staker says Bronson is cutting his four top teeth (which I knew) and that he has two on the bottom that are close as well. His bet is within two weeks he will have 6 new teeth. He blames that on Bronson's issues. Bronson also has fluid behind both of his ears. So... we are starting an antibiotic (which I am super scared to do!!!!). We will go back in three weeks and if the fluid is still there then Dr. Staker said we will talk about tubes. Yucky! Brilee was a rock star and got her kindergarten shots without a tear! She was deemed a smart and healthy girl. We all agreed her tonsil/adenoid surgery was the best thing we could have done for her. Love our pediatrician!

Bronson Stats:
23.5 lbs 95%
28.5 Inches 50% (this one was weird cause according to this he only grew .5 inch in three months, and I KNOW this is wrong. When I measured him at home I got 29.5 or 30 so who knows?)
Head off the chart  (haha not surprised)

Brilee Stats:
37 lbs. 50%
41.5 Inches 90%


9 Months

Bronson is nine months old as of yesterday. This month has been good and bad to him. He has been sick pretty much the whole month, but he has two new eye teeth that are all but in. That will make life better. He also figured out the army crawl which keeps him happier. Now, to get him healthy! Nine interesting things about Bronson at 9 Months:
1. He wakes up every night around 2, drinks a bottle, then sleesp until his sister wakes up.
2. He takes two naps most days, and somedays three naps. Usually his first is around 9, second around 2, and then somedays around 5.
3. Bronson will soon have his two bottom teeth, and two top fang teeth.
4. He is such a Mama's boy, but Brilee is a close second.
5. His favorite place to be is in Brilee's room.
6. Bronson LOVES peek-a-boo and patty cake. He also LOVES baths and dogs.
7. He only likes sweet baby food, but he will eat any real food.
8. His laugh is the sweetest sound in the world, and he laughs all the time.
9. I have never seen a baby so ticklish!!!

Love you little B MAN!



Jake turned 33 today! I met him when he was 23... crazy!!!! Brilee had a sleepover at my parents house last night, and Bronson was kind and let us sleep in until 7:45. It was awesome. We spent the whole day hanging out at home and getting ready for Bri's party. Jake got to snuggle Bronson and watch his all time favorite movies (they are FINALLY on Netflix!!!) The Black Stallion and The Black Stallion Returns. We also had a close eye on the rig fire in anticipation that the actual rig would be pulled down.They have tried, but had no luck so far. It blew up huge tonight. It's crazy! Bri, Grammy, and Stac showed up around 4 and we cooked dinner. Bri's party was smaller than usual cause of sickness/travel but it was still super fun. We missed everyone, but enjoyed being able to visit with everyone too. After the party Brilee started puking. So, that is horrible. Bronson couldn't be out done and started as well. I have felt a little crummy all day, and now I feel pretty nasty too. Awe---some. I hate winter. I hate this winter especially. I am super happy because it is snowing right now, and snowing hard. I have no where to be in the next couple of days (Bri will miss school Monday), and so I say bring on the snow!!!! Hoping for six feet. :) 

 Bronson played peek-a-boo all morning! It took me 45 minutes to make my bed cause he was having so much fun with playing. I love this stage in baby hood!

 Granny makes the cutest cakes, and they are the best tasting cakes too!

 She loves to be sung to!


4 Years Old

I cannot believe my little baby girl is now a BIG 4 YEAR OLD!!!! She is such a sweet, smart, funny, wonderful child. We love her more with each day, and cannot wait to hear what she has to say next. We spend our days laughing at her, or trying to hold our laughs back as she figures out this world. This year she has grown so much, and really started to be a little person. We love her to the moon and back, and want her to stop growing so fast!!!!
Brilee woke up bright and early this morning and was so excited to see our house decorated in her Happy Birthday Banners. She ran downstairs to check out her balloons (we bought a helium tank for her balloons), and was thrilled to play in them. We then got ready for the day and headed to the store. We bought Stacia's class donuts and went to deliver them. They sang Happy Birthday to her, and we ate our donut. We came home and baked her bday cake, and she got to decorate it. She loved it. Pam stopped by on her way home, and we LOVED seeing her! Hopefully next time her little girl is awake so she can play. Bri's friends started showing up around 2:30 and the party was in full force by 3:15. Elly, Chaz, Mar, Haddy, Addy, Jilli, Jacsy, Jacelynn, and Linzie all came to celebrate Bri's bday. It was so much fun! Bronson slept most of the party, and by the time he woke up Daddy, Granny, and Stacia were here to help with him! We played duck duck goose, pin the tail on the donkey, and lots of other little girl imaginary games! Thanks to everyone who came and made her party so much fun! I dropped the neighbor girls off around 6:30 and we headed to Granny's. She made Bri tacos (cause Bri's favorite food is shredded cheese, and obviously we couldn't have that for dinner). Brilee saw Granny's little chairs and started crying cause "we forgot to play music chairs at my party." So, after dinner we played "music chairs". The music started, I pulled a chair, the kids went around the circle, and then Elly stopped the music. Bri was about to be the one without a chair so she ran and grabbed the chair I pulled out and put it back in the circle. She is quite the problem solver! After musical chairs our fun day was over. We came home, put the kids to bed, and cleaned the house. The mess was TOTALLY worth the fun they had, and it's a good thing cause it will happen again Saturday for her family party!!!! We love this month of birthdays.

An oil rig about a mile from my house blew up yesterday. It's been crazy watching and hearing all the fire. It's a huge loss, and crazy to watch. Here is the ksl link to the story, and lots of cool pics.

 We wanted a picture with the class and bday girl, but this cute little boy just ran right to the front and totally blocked Bri from the pictures. 

1. What is your favorite color? Pink
2. What is your favorite toy? Piggy Bank, Legos, and Walking Baby
3. What is your favorite fruit? Strawberries
4. What is your favorite tv show? Tinkerbell
5. What is your favorite thing to eat for lunch? Noodles
6. What is your favorite outfit? Pupcake shirt (cupcake)
7. What is your favorite game? Hide-n-Seek
8. What is your favorite snack?stachios
9. What is your favorite animal? Goldie
10. What is your favorite song? Days of the Week
11. What is your favorite book? Fancy Nancy
12. Who is your best friend? Mar and Chaz and I love their Moms too
13. What is your favorite cereal? Bunny (Trix)
14. What is your favorite thing to do outside? Play with my kitty, dogs, and ride my bike
15. What is your favorite drink? Sprite Juice
16. What is your favorite holiday? Christmas
17. What do you like to take to bed with you at night? My teddy (her orange bear she got from the ER when her strep was so horrible last summer)
18. What is your favorite thing to eat for breakfast? oatmeal
19. What do you want for dinner on your birthday? Granny's
20. What do you want to be when you grow up? Ice skater