
UBIC (Uintah Basin in Celebration!) Parade

Winning the UBIC cutest 4-6 month old baby comes with a lot of work! First you have the newspaper pictures, and then you have to ride around on a buggy in the parade on a HOT summer day (RIGHT during nap time)! Brilee looked adorable. I worked so hard to make her stay awake until we got where our families were sitting and as soon as we were past them I let her relax and she was OUT! We had our miniature horses lead the baby float. BriAnna, Megan, Annalee, and Cooper walked them while Elly and Tytan rode them. We were a couple blocks into the parade when the float in front of us started throwing frisbee's. This was all fine until the Grandma on the float thought it would be a good idea to throw one at Cowboy. She threw the frisbee, it hit Cowboy right in the head, he spooked, started bucking, and threw Tytan off his back. Luckily, Tytan is tough and got up and walked it off (he even got back on Cowboy later). After this happened Java started acting a little weird and so we got Elly off and she just helped walk the horses. They all looked so cute, and I am so glad we had all the help with the horses!
This is towards the end of the parade route (yes, Tytan had already been bucked off... what a stud to get back on). The kids were getting tired and the horses were exhausted!
They are too cute!
Brilee and the LITTLE boy 4-6 month winner.
Waving to her biggest fans!
Getting ready to walk the horses.
Cowboy after his much needed bath.
Java really cleans up nice! Thanks for helping get them pretty Jenny, Julie, Andre, Granny, Megan, and BriAnna!

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