
Six Months Old

Brilee is half of a year. I cannot believe she is six months old, where does the time go? She is such a fun baby and adds so much joy to our life. She is learning so many new things and impresses her family every day. Today she started saying Dada, Sunday she finally started to actually roll over to get to her toys, she finally understands the solid foods are good foods, and she recently has begun to scream when I am not in her sight. 
Six things we love about Brilee:
Her beautiful smile.
Her ability to brighten EVERYONE'S day
Her adorable giggle
Her sweet kisses
Her amazingly happy personality
Her awesome jumping skills in the bouncer
Six things we hope never change about Brilee
Her happy and content self
Her Mommy and Daddy always being the ones who make her the happiest
Her love for her Grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins, etc...
Her fearless attitude towards the dogs
Her huge smile every time she wakes up
Her beautiful singing voice as she listens to the radio in the car and tries to sing along
Six things we want to change
Her ear infections (we will find out about the tubes and 8/5/09)
Her sharp nails and the fear we have of clipping them
Her sleeping in our room (she is half of a year old... I think we will have to move her to her crib soon.)
That's all I can think of!

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