

Brilee decided last Friday that Tator needed to come home with us. "My dog Tate needs to come home." Jake and I obliged and brought him home. He is a knuckle head and tries to run away whenever we aren't looking, but he never goes far. We are watching him very closely too. He ran away Saturday so Jake and Bear took off after him. By the time they got to him he was a bloody mess. The cats got the better end of him. He sulked for awhile, and now is doing better staying home (he also is sporting a bright red shock collar which makes a huge difference). Bri loves him more than anything. She plays with him all day. They are both being really good to each other (anytime she gets rough with him we threaten to take him back to Grammy and papa). Brilee has every blanket we own on the floor and when I pick them up she tells me, "That's Tator's spot I made him.". They are constantly snuggling, and really enjoy watching Wonder Pets together. I like having a dog, and can't wait to get a fence so he can go outside more.

1 comment:

Veronica and TJ said...

Every kid needs a dog:) I love watching Asay with our dog.