
Play Dates

Brilee loves playing with her friends and cousins. She wakes up and starts asking if Chaz, Mar, Addy, Jacsyn, and whoever else comes to mind can come over. Jeremy and Trisha left for a cruise yesterday, and we were very excited Jacsyn needed a place to come today. Madi dropped her off in her way to school. She came in and said we better wake Brilee up! Bri woke up ecstatic that her friend was already here. They are playing hard, and poor Tator! Jacsyn loves dogs as much as bear. They are on their fourth outfits for the day (seriously Del the princess dresses are loved), they couldn't share Molly so she is put up, and they had to have their hair done the same. Which meant a pony for Jacsyn (which is rare), and a straightner for Bri (which has never happened). They are currently on their way to Cowboy Prom (Madi is a hs rodeo gal, and so jacs knows her proms!)... It's going to be a good day!
Looks like Daddy!
Princess Bri and Chaz

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