
Long Days

These long winter days are starting to wear on Brilee and me. Yesterday, we decided to fix it! Brilee woke up asking for Chaz and "Sue City". I headed down town around 10, and when we pulled into our driveway Brilee lost it.  "NO NO NO NO NO. I want Chazzy." So, we went to Chazzy's. We played there for a minute and then brought Chazzy to our house. As we were driving up the road they asked about Marley, and so of course we went and got her too. It was the best. The three of them played for two hours without fighting, and they were so cute. 
They can sure make a mess, but trust me it's worth it! 
Brilee is a monkey! She loves to climb. Her new favorite is to climb onto the bar, eat some cookies, and try and do the dishes.
She also likes to dress herself, and half the time that means either no shirt or no pants! Good thing we keep our house warm!
Today Brilee got to have Chazzlynn and Rowdy come over to play. (Rowdy was sleepy that is why he is all bundled up... Also extra padding from Brilee, he needs it!)

Along with dressing herself she likes to pick out her hair accessories, and choose where they go... CUTE BRI!

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