
Grandma Cooley

Today is Grandma "Kool-Aide's" birthday. She is such an awesome Grandma/Great Grandma. We love you so much, and we hope you had a perfect day... Brilee even sang "Happy Birthday to Grandma" tonight before bed...
TOP 10 Grandma Cooley's from Kelsey!
1. Grandma stayed with us while my parents went to NYC when I was six. It was the best week ever! She played LOTS of nintendo with Del and me. Let Del and me eat Star Crunches for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Walked us to get icee's 2-3 times a day. Then I fell into the rocking horse and messed up my mouth, and she babied me and cared for me in a way I never realized my Mom wasn't there. (Sorry Mom, she was good!)
2. Grandma and I climbed into a car in Gila Bend while we were waiting for everyone to go to dinner. We were talking away when she said (just as I thought) "I didn't know you got a new car." haha we totally sat in a strangers car!
3. Grandma is sooooo tough! She gets her knees replaced, and when you talk to her she makes it sound like she got a pedicure. She never complains!!!
4. She is so open and kind to everyone. She rarely says a bad word about anyone, and when she does it is followed by "bless their heart."
5. She is seriously HILARIOUS! You can't be with her for more than a minute before your side hurts from laughing. She makes everyone around her happy. 
6. Back to being tough... when we took our girls trip to NYC we were running late for our dinner cruise. The traffic was horrible so we decided to walk/run. Grandma's shoes were hurting her feet so she just took them right off. She walked bare foot for many NYC blocks! Love all the memories from that trip.
7. When I was a junior in high school my parents left me alone for a week. Grandma and Grandpa didn't want me getting lonely, and so they came to visit me! I had to work one of the days and so they came and sat in the Wendy's lobby while I worked. It was so cool that they were there, and in no rush! The next day I was off, and so Grandpa did a little yard work while Grandma and I went and got Blimpie sandwiches for our picnic. Blimpie's has Fresca on tap... we were both sooo excited! We got our sandwiches, picked up Grandpa, and went and spent the afternoon at the Dinosaur Quarry. Such a cool day... to bad the building collapsed this year.
8. Grandma loves the National Park Service, and she has passed that on to her kids/grandkids. She has done her research on the Park's and she knows a lot about all of them!
9. Grandma has never once gotten mad at me (or my cousins or siblings). She can keep her cool better than anyone! There were times that Del, Thomas, Amy, Stac, and I deserved to have her mad or at least annoyed, but she never showed it to us.
10. I will always love and cherish the day Grandma said, "My grandkids are all so smart. Really, really, really smart. I know my own kids weren't that smart, but I am glad my grandkids are. Not you, Kev and Roger, your smart." We love you Grandma! We love that you love your family so much, and are always willing to do anything for us. 

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