
Four Month Shots...

I hate shot days! I know they are better than the alternative, but they are no fun! I have been telling Jake for two months how heart breaking the two month old shots were and that I would NEVER go without him again. I told him how she balled uncontrollably for ten minutes and how hard they had to stab her little legs. He took the day off of work and he and I went to the appointment. We waited in the waiting room for a hour and a half. It was torture. As we were there Brilee's eye started getting really watery and goopy. By the time we were called back it was a full fledged infection. She really had good timing for an eye infection. She weighed in at 15.3 and stood at 23 and 1/4 inches. She is now in the eighty percentile for weight and twenty-fifth for height. Doctor Staker looked her over and told us she was looking great and that it was time to start solid foods! He then explained the shots again and said the nurse would be right in. I told Jake to prepare himself, as my heart was beating a thousand times a minute. The nurse came in gave Brilee her shots, and the little stinker didn't even cry. She was FINE! She was actually rather happy. We took her home put her down for a nap at five PM and she didn't wake up until seven thirty the next morning. She was pretty fussy the next day and kept getting fevers. It took about two days and now she is back to herself!
They don't call them a "Waiting Room" for nothing.
Her poor eye!

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