
Well Children

Today we had well child checks for both of the kids. Jake took the day off work so he could help me with them at the doctor office. I was extremely grateful for his help... all day! We had a rough day yesterday where all of us came down with the stomach flu, but today was much better. Thankfully my Mom had come over yesterday to help us out with our 8 loads of laundry we accumulated in ONE night!!!! But today I still had some cleaning up to do. Marley and Haddy came to play around 9, and we dropped them off at Granny's around 1. We then headed right to the doctor. Bronson is still puking occasionally so I was super excited to have him looked at. We waited for about an hour to hear we have healthy kids. I always leave so happy and grateful after these appointments. Dr. Staker says Bronson is cutting his four top teeth (which I knew) and that he has two on the bottom that are close as well. His bet is within two weeks he will have 6 new teeth. He blames that on Bronson's issues. Bronson also has fluid behind both of his ears. So... we are starting an antibiotic (which I am super scared to do!!!!). We will go back in three weeks and if the fluid is still there then Dr. Staker said we will talk about tubes. Yucky! Brilee was a rock star and got her kindergarten shots without a tear! She was deemed a smart and healthy girl. We all agreed her tonsil/adenoid surgery was the best thing we could have done for her. Love our pediatrician!

Bronson Stats:
23.5 lbs 95%
28.5 Inches 50% (this one was weird cause according to this he only grew .5 inch in three months, and I KNOW this is wrong. When I measured him at home I got 29.5 or 30 so who knows?)
Head off the chart  (haha not surprised)

Brilee Stats:
37 lbs. 50%
41.5 Inches 90%

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