
Sissy Bop

Our little girl is back in line for tonsil and adenoid removal. We took her in to see Brad, and he had Dr. Staker check her out. They both agreed her tonsils were "enormous", and needed out. I got her in with the ear, nose, throat doctor that afternoon and he said "I was ready to do it last April" so it's scheduled for Monday. I hate the thought of it, but my little girl needs it done. So, Monday it is. I can't wait for Tuesday.

1 comment:

Jen said...

The earlier they get it done, the easier the recovery is on them! Amy had hers out in like 9th grade and it was miserable for her. :( So hopefully since she's little it will be smooth sailing and super quick and she'll be back to her bright and bubbly self in no time. And I'm sure a healthy dose of ice cream and popsicles won't hurt anything. :)

Seriously, though, not having to deal with years of crazy sickness and strep and misery will be SO worth a few days of her not feeling so hot. You're being a good mom, Kels. She'll be okay. Hang in there, and good luck to all of you!