
5 Month Old

We now have a five month old in the house. A mighty cute one at that! Things I never want to forget about Bronson at 5 months!
*His HUGE toothless grin... I.LOVE.IT.
* His adorable giggle.I love when he randomly does it too. I had Bri at the doctors office yesterday, and as the doctor was talking to me Bronson just started cracking up at him. It was hillarious.
*His love for apple sauce (the only food he's tasted other than cereal... which he won't eat now!)
*How excited he gets to see his Mommy.
*How his Daddy get him to sleep every night by being an auctioneer. The boy has always liked weird noises.
*His love for his older sister.
*He loves toys. Like seriously, he loves them. He sees a toy and has to have it.
*He is wanting to sit up, and is getting pretty good at it.
*Today his sister was eating a sucker and Bronson wanted it. He started doing a little worm action to get to her. He only did it like once or twice, but I am preparing myself for a mobile baby in the near future.
*He can still cry... But he doesn't do it NEARLY as much.

Bronson... WE LOVE YOU FOREVER, and ever and ever.

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