
Merry Christmas

We had a wonderful Christmas in Lake Arrowhead. After the rain stopped the weather got nice, and the company was perfect!!!! Brilee is a very spoiled young girl! Thank everyone so much for making our Christmas perfect. We love you all!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Jake reading a little Christmas story and Christmas Eve.
AJ helping out in the kitchen by doing a little jig!
Brilee was a "Grammy girl" the whole time we were in Cali.

Stac and I in our Christmas jammies. (Brilee went to be during dinner or else she would have been with us too.)
This is how Tator prefers to sit in California...
Brilee and Jake had a rough time waking up Christmas morning.
Stacia had the honors of walking Brilee out Christmas morning.
Brilee with her stocking. Santa loves Brilee!
Christmas 2010

Brilee and all her presents she had to open. She ended up getting tired and leaving a pile to open later in the afternoon. 
Oh Brilee! What a spoiled baby you are.

After she got sick of opening presents we sent her to the bedroom for a minute while they set up Santa's last gift for Brilee... This is her first (well, sort of first.) reaction to the Pink Jeep. Unfortunately, on Christmas Eve Brilee was upstairs getting ready to take a nap when she saw the big box that Santa asked GGMA to store for him. She jumped up out of bed and started yelling "Pink jeep... beep beep jeep..." It didn't end either. She then tried opening it. "Open Grammy. My beep beep jeep. Open pink jeep..." Grammy said she couldn't so we hear, "Grandpa... open it." haha funny little girl!
She LOVES this jeep more than anything! She couldn't be happier with her little life. It was a fight any time she couldn't be in it. 

GGMA was very kind and let her drive it in the living room for a few spins. Then it started scratching the hard wood floor so AJ said we could go ride it at her school. I took a kicking, yelling, crying Brilee out of the jeep to put her shoes and coat on her. We promised her the jeep wouldn't go anywhere. Well, it had to go to the truck to go to the school. Brilee came back into the living room, the jeep was gone, and she was devastated. 
So... we let her sit in it for a minute in the back of the truck.

Brilee and her Christmas loot. (Minus the toys she didn't open, the jeep, and her  computer aka "puter"...)

1 comment:

Paul and Carly said...

Looks like you guys had so much fuN! Brilee is so adorable. Being around Addison this week has really made me think about her. Miss you guys and I'm so glad you had a good Christmas!