
Prevention Convention!

I had my annual Prevention Conference this week in SLC. It was a great conference, and I learned a lot from it. I had been dreading going because it meant leaving Brilee for FOUR nights, and I didn't think I could do it! I finally talked Jake into planning a visit, and so I started feeling better about the week. I left Monday afternoon, and after driving in an awful rainstorm I finally arrived at the downtown Raddison. It was a beautiful hotel, and in a great location. I was in meetings all day Tuesday. When I finished I was able to go and visit Grandma and Grandpa. It was great catching up with them. Then I got to go hang out with my BF Carly! It was a fun night. Wednesday I went to the conference and then went back to Grandma and Grandpa's. I spent the afternoon with them, and then went back to my hotel to get ready for Jake and Brilee. I was so excited! I met them outside, and Brilee made me feel SO good! She saw me from the car and started squealing and screaming for me. After they got their we decided to walk to Olive Garden for dinner. Brilee was crazy! She was so happy and hyper that she was making a scene in the restaurant. Luckily, it was cute and so people laughed and played with her. After dinner we went swimming. It was great! Brilee got her second wind in the pool and ended up staying up WAY to late! She slept good throughout the night and woke up happy. Jake and Brilee went shopping while I was at my conference. At noon I decided I had had enough! So we went to Training Table, and then met Grandma and Grandpa at the zoo. It was the PERFECT day to go to the zoo! We had soooooooooo much fun! I don't know if I have ever seen Brilee so happy. She was in her element for sure! She ran around looking at everything. She wanted to hold the monkeys, fell in love with the giraffe's, loved the train, and had the time of her life on the carousel. Brilee was such a wild animal at the zoo that I am kind of surprised the zoo keeper didn't offer to buy her! I was so proud of Grandma... six weeks after she had her knee replaced she was tromping around the zoo. Thank you so much for the perfect day Grandma and Grandpa!
Jake and Brilee walking to dinner. (We forgot the stroller)
Heading to the pool!
She walked right over and wanted to jump in, but then she got scared.
Getting used to the water.
Once she got used to her tube, she had a blast!
It was cold.
Grandma, Brilee, and me heading into the Hogle Zoo.
We spent ten bucks on the this hat in hopes she wouldn't get sun burnt. She wore it long enough to get her picture taken and then would have NOTHING to do with it!
She thought this Gorilla was her own personal couch at the zoo.
Grandpa spent his afternoon chasing Brilee and helping her up every time she would fall (which is still a lot)!
She kept going over to have Grandma hold her, and then she would want down two seconds later. She just had to much going on!
She loved Grandma's sun visor!
Too fun!
Look at that smile! Every time she passed us she would be squealing and giggling. 
I think she thought it was real at first.
Show Off!
Brilee on the train.
She kept giving Grandma big hugs on the train ride.
After the train ride.
Brilee three minutes after leaving the zoo. She slept the WHOLE way home!

1 comment:

Paul and Carly said...

It was so good to see you! I was happy that you came by. Love ya BF!