
Brilee's Countdown

Brilee will be ONE in twelve days! During these twelve days I am going to make a post of the major things that happened each month of her life... So we start with January.
Jake and I went to the hospital for my NST test. I had to do these every other day for the last five weeks of my pregnancy. I talked Jake  into coming with me to keep my company. For some reason my blood pressure would NOT go down that day. Jake went home around three to get the computer and ipod to keep us entertained. Around five thirty a nurse mentioned that Dr.Nolte had told her if my blood pressure wasn't down by the end of their staff meeting he was going to start me. That didn't help my blood pressure go down! So, sure enough, at the end of their staff meeting Dr. Nolte came in and said we were done dealing with the blood pressure. He broke my water at 8:30 PM and Brilee was born the following day at 2:30 AM. Brilee was taken to the nursery after she was born and Jake, my Mom, and Granny all went with her. I sat in my room for an hour and a half trying to call Jake to come tell me what was going on. They all got lost in time and neither of them realized how long they were gone. Luckily, Jake had the video camera so he came to show me what was going on. Finally, the nurse brought Brilee to me. It was so great to finally meet her and love on her. She was (is) the best baby! Brilee had lots of visitors at the hospital. Everyone was so excited to meet her. After staying at the hospital 36 hours they let us go home. The following day we took Brilee in to get her routine check, and they told us she had jaundice. She lived under the lights for two long days. She got over her jaundice, started eating, and the rest is history! We love you Brilee Rose.
Beautiful Brilee
Some of her first visitors at home... they were all very anxious to meet her!
Jaylie wasn't scared of the lights! She embraced them!
First time with Daddy.
Mommy was all smiles!

1 comment:

The Nybergs said...

You are a great mommy!!! Love ya Kels!