
Big Time

Today was a big day for our family. BRILEE IS REGISTERED FOR KINDERGARTEN! It is the beginning of a new era with our little family. The dynamics of our world will change drastically this fall. Late nights will be regretted, hours will be spent on homework, friends will be made, nervous nights over academics and social events will happen, amazing memories will be made, and huge milestones met. 13 years of school is no joke (really more like 18 years)! Are we ready? Well ready or not… Brilee was "rounded-up" for the 2014-2015 school year. She is thrilled. We are excited for her, but a little sad for ourselves. Today was not at all what she had planned. We showed up and filled out a bunch of papers. Then it was time to leave and she couldn't believe that was it. "But you said they would round up the kids. I want to stay and meet my friends. NO Mom, this can't be it." She would have hopped right in line with the first grade class walking to lunch and never missed a beat. In all honesty, it makes me so proud of her. She adapts and truly loves life. She is READY and that is a great feeling for her parents.

Here is a clear look into what makes us US at this stage in the game.

He is one smart little boy. He talks in sentences,. He knows and understands things in a way I can't even explain.

Bronson loves letter practice with Brilee. We have to make them take turns. Bronson doesn't get them right very often but he always has a letter and sound to tell us. Our new favorite thing is our bedtime story. Brilee reads Bronson his and then one of us read both kids a story. I LOVE seeing my two beautiful children sitting together reading.

Whenever we are in the car, on the four wheeler, or just plain walking he has his mind set on where he wants to go. "Go that way Mama, Go that way." As he points the way he wants to go. If you go the wrong way you hear it! Lately we have been coming home HWY 40 because if we don't we get yelled at for miles.

He is so good at imaginary play. He will pretend to be a baby (as long as I pretend to drop him and burp him) for the longest time. He gets very into his role. He also loves playing with Jens. The kids and I started a game last week where we had to run from tornadoes. Now, whenever he is feeling creative he tells us, "AUGH! Tornado coming! Hide!"

He loves to hide. He covers his eyes and believes if he can't see you then you can't see him. He also goes into statue mode when he doesn't want to be seen. So funny.

Bronson is OBSESSED with big bucks. Like serious buck fever. I hope that we can get a deer tag this fall, but then again it might make his obsession grow. Scary thought. We wake up talking about them and go to bed saying, "Night night big bucks."

Bronson has a laugh that is a true belly laugh. Oh that noise just makes everyone happy. Nothing better than when he is laughing.

He is VERY shy with new people, especially men. He just clams right up. He quits talking, and goes into hide/statue mode. He wants NO attention and wants to disappear from everyone and everything. I hope he can grow out of this.

He loves baby cows. On our way to work he gets a super high pitched voice and says, "Oh cute Mama BAAAABY COOOOOOWS." EVERY. SINGLE. DAY. (He also gets excited every time we get close to the high school. "Papa's school! HI PAPA!"

This boy could live outside. He never wants to come in. He spends his evenings riding the pink jeep, feeding cows, feeding pigs, playing with dogs, throwing rocks, pushing around tractors, riding the four wheeler, and pretty much doing anything else that gets him dirty.

He LOVES going to bed. He starts asking for his nap and for his bed about 15 minutes before it's time. He will start shaking his crib and all but begging to go to sleep by the time that 15 minutes is up.

Oh this girl is beautiful! Inside and out.

We have been butting heads lately. She is SOOOOO independent, and as great as it is, it can also be hard. She wants to know everything, and wants everything to be just like it is in her head. She sometimes forgets that we aren't equals, and she does need me to help her. At some point throughout the day I find myself telling her, "You aren't the boss, and you are a nice girl. NO SASSY FRASS from you missy. Choose to be nice." That little reminder does more for her than anything I have ever done with her. (I have tried a lot…) Even with the struggle of this I wouldn't want her ANY OTHER WAY! I am so glad she is so strong willed. Jake and I are always in awe at how much confidence she has. She will talk to anyone, and take care of whatever she needs. This morning we were coming to work and they were playing a match game on the radio. The phrase was GOOD ______ and we were to fill in the blanks. Bri kept saying, "It's good kids." So, I dialed the number and she talked on the radio. It was so cute. The DJ's loved her. But she was wrong. It was GOOD GRIEF.

Brilee is also an outside child. She never comes in. I love where we live and all the areas my kids have to explore and imagine. Brilee plays so well with all her cousins. Chaz, Mar, Haddy, and Bri can play house, school, and doctor all day. She and Cy can do sporty things all day. She and Jens are huge into surviving. They both just get into a different world when they play. Bri always tells me about their secret hideouts, and the bears they have to run from. (Jake has found a few of these hideouts as he is riding his horse, and he says they are pretty impressive. They are all stocked with "food"-stacks of weeds and brush, and weapons- any stick that can be made into a gun or knife.) I asked her the other day to tell me where some of them were so if I ever couldn't find her I would know where to look. She told me no. So… I guess I will rely on Jake!  They too love the tornado game and any game that involves running from things. Adorable and so cool!

Birlee LOVES to draw humans (she always asks if she should draw a human) and write everyones names. She can write all upper/lower case letters. She knows all the sounds, and is putting the sounds together. It's crazy how fast it happens when it clicks.

AMAZING horse rider. She has the confidence on a horse that her Dad has (and he has rode 34 years!). She totally is in control, and is a complete natural. It's something she LOVES to do as well. I get so nervous watching her ride, but my heart swells with pride watching her and Jake connect on something they both have such a desire for.

She is the biggest worry wart you will ever find. Whenever she gets hurt she is so worried, and asking anyone around if she is okay. She has fallen off her bike numerous times this week and each time she comes running in with bloody elbows or knees saying, "I wrecked. Will it be okay?" She is the toughest little girl when it comes to pain, but goodness her mind can scare her to pieces. Stacia was pushing her in the swing last week and told her about the time when Stac pushed her right out of the swing and she fell on her back. Brilee gasped and said, "But was I okay?" When she fell off her horse she couldn't help but show anyone and everyone she saw her ribs just to get the confirmation that she was okay. Literally at the grocery store to a stranger, "I fell off my horse but see (pulls up shirt) I'm okay right?" She is also scared of the dark. I used to think she just said it so she could sleep in my bed, but she really is scared. She now has a night light but says she still dreams about skunks.

Brilee is starting to figure out all sorts of things! Swimming… DONE Bike… DONE Cartwheels… DONE Snapping…DONE. She is so proud of all her accomplishments. We were talking today about how much easier the triathlon will be for her this year. She won't need a life jacket, and she won't have training wheels! She was telling me how excited she is to be on her fast bike this year, even though she won last year on her slow bike. haha… sure thing Honey!

She has a competitive drive about her, and it too can be hard. Everything is better for her when a race is involved. For me, it's great because it is a great motivator to get things done (even little things like buckling her seatbelt). But when other kids are around and they beat her it can be hard. She'll figure it out though.

Jake and I just keep on keeping on. Jake is training two horses right now, shoes horses any spare time he can get, and has the yard bug. He is planting trees and fixing up the yard. We also bought a new smoker and he is having all sorts of fun cooking us delicious dinners! I still am obsessed with cross fit. I am also into the yard work, and just love being able to spend our evenings outside. Life is good.

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