

Bronson turned a month old on Saturday. There are so many emotions that first month. The excitement, the fear, the exhaustion, the joy, the happy, the sad, the hard, and the fun. We are finally getting used to one another, and making life more predictable. Bronson still cries and has a good set of lungs on him, but he is also showing a really cute fun side. He is getting ready to smile, and is totally in love with mobiles. He tracks great, and totally knows who his Mommy is! He is a heart melter, and a complete joy to our family. I just bought the book The Happiest Baby on the Block, and I can't wait to put their methods to use! So, by two months you are going to hear how he is only happy... I HOPE!

1 comment:

BreAnna said...

He is one adorable baby!!!