
Memorial Weekend

Our Memorial Day Weekend has been pretty traditional. On Saturday we all met to put together the flower arrangements for the graves, went to dinner, and went to Wal-Mart... of course! Sunday around three everyone (except for Brilee and I, she didn't want to wake up from her nap) headed to the LaPoint Cemetery. Afterwards, everyone met at Granny's house for the BIG BBQ she hosts every year! It was a good time, even if the weather wanted to make it difficult. After we ate we headed down to the Roosevelt Cemetery. We all froze there, and so we made it short and sweet. Brilee and I started feeling sick so we went right to bed. I woke up super sick around mid night, and just laid there telling myself I was fine. Brilee woke up at 1:15 and the puking began. That poor baby girl puked until she could puke no more. She hadn't eaten anything Sunday, and so it was really awful. We stripped the bed, and threw the nasty pillows outside. Then we slept for a couple more hours when the puking started again. UGH!!!! So we stripped the couch bed and snuggled under our last clean blanket (did I mention it was FREEZING!!!!) for another hour or so. I told Brilee that I wished her Daddy was home, and she said, "Let's go get him." haha I was sure she was done puking and we could finish out the night, but then it happened again. So we took apart the table bed, we loaded up, and went and slept in Grandpa's chair. I heard him say as he was waking up, "Oh dear... they must have had a rough night." We woke up, and I tried to get her to drink some water. She only wanted OJ so I gave in, and that was a mistake! For the rest of today she is only eating saltine crackers and Sprite. The fun never ends! We are THRILLED Jake will be home Thursday night!!!!
Who doesn't love the Pink Jeep??? 
We found Brilee's cat's kittens! She is in love... with one particular one. We are in a bad way though. Two of Granny's cats had kittens, Brilee's grey cat had kittens, her white cat will be having kittens any day, and Jaylie's cat had babies. We will probably have around thirty kitties... So Brilee will be sitting at the sales barn in a few short weeks handing out cats if you need one (or ten)!

Here is Brilee today... She prefers to just lay on the floor and play.

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