
Can you say SPOILED???

Angie spoils us! She is always up to date on the newest trends, and willing to experiment on us. Brilee is probably the only 2 year old with feathers in her hair, and glitter gel nails on her toes. She is so lucky. Thursday Angie pulled into the driveway, and Brilee started squealing! She ran to Angie, and then headed into the house. She pulled out the nail chair, climbed up, and was ready to go. I really didn't think she would sit still long enough to put the glitter toes on, but she did! She didn't move the whole time. She LOVED every minute of it. 
Much to Marley's surprise, Brilee chose green toes. She stuck to it too! Marley was really wanting her to get pink so they could be twiners, but Brilee wanted GREEN!!!!

Curing the polish... 
Addy came over and got some feathers in her hair! While she was here Brilee got to cruise her around in the pink jeep. 

1 comment:

Paul and Carly said...

That looks so fun! I love that she chose green! It is the best color Brilee! Miss you guys