
Harvest Weekend

What a crazy weekend we have had! Friday night Tessa took family pictures for us, and they are incredible! She has emailed me four of the pictures, and we are so impressed! We absolutely love them. Here is our sample photo session:

Saturday we went to Granny's early, and cut tomatoes for spaghetti sauce. While the tomatoes cooked Andre, Granny, and I went to the garden. Andre picked 2 big buckets full of beans. Granny and I picked 2.5 boxes of tomatoes, and LOTS of corn! We went back juiced the spaghetti sauce, and put the babies down for a much needed nap. After we were all recuperated Jake and I cut up 16 jalapenos, 6 Anaheim peppers, 12 yellow peppers, 6 bell peppers, 6 onions, 2 bunches of garlic, and one crazy hot pepper for our salsa that we will can tomorrow. Saturday our production team made 2 batches of beans, a batch of spaghetti sauce, and half a batch of salsa! Brilee spent the day playing with all her cousins. It was a good day for all!
Today we enjoyed the morning at the cabin. Jake, Stac, and Mitch went for a horse ride all afternoon. Brilee and I napped, and my parents walked into Cliff Lake. 
Our puppies are three weeks old, and their mom has pretty much quit feeding them. It's awful! So Jake has had to start supplementing them with calf milk replacer. Brilee supervises all feedings...
She makes sure they all get good and full! Even if she has to hold their little heads in the milk.

After the puppies are tended too, she makes sure the kitties are good. She multi tasks and cares for her baby and kitty all at the same time!

This is her "owie" tooth.


Jen said...

Great photos, Kels! I LOVE the top one of you four lovely women! Beautiful. :)

alesha said...

I love all of the pictures. The garden is AMAZING! And the puppies are soo cute! Brilee is such a doll and a great helper! Soo fun!

melissa said...

Those pics turned out so cute! I love your hair.