
20 Months!

I just happened to notice the calendar and realize Brilee is 20 months old today! I looked at my blog from last year on this day, and I am so amazed how much she could change in a year. It's sad, exciting, fun, scary, and many other emotions! Brilee is learning so much everyday, and keeps everyone around her happy. She is such a joy! Some of our favorite things about Brilee...
Chore Time with Daddy. Jake can no longer be outside without his little shadow. I love this, and think it is so sweet to watch them "working" together. 
Bed Time is always a good time! Brilee finds books she likes and makes us read them every day. Early this summer she was obsessed with Farmer Brown, then came Brown Bear Brown Bear, and her newest obsession is Where the Wild Things Are. She is SCARED of the book, and really hates when the Wild Things "roar their terrible roars, gnash their terrible teeth..." But then the wild rumpus begins, and her life is happy again! I am worrying this book is giving her nightmares. 
Brilee is talking up a storm! She calls me Kelsey most of the time. She lets everyone know when they are touching her things by yelling "MINE!". She talks to me about her kitty cats. She answers NO to everything. Sometimes I feel like she is learning a word a minute, and I love it! 

I always hold the camera and take pictures like this one, and on this night Brilee had the camera and was going around the house pretending to take her picture. She brought me the camera and said "cheese". So, I did what she wanted of course!
The flash is bright, and she always closes her eyes!
Lately, Brilee has been hiding a lot! She is either in the pantry, bathroom, closet, or behind the couch. The couch is her favorite. She crawls back there and folds into a little ball. She giggles the whole time I am looking for her (which is great help in finding her).
Some toys never lose the novelty, and this horse is one of them! She loves it as much now as she did the day I got it off my shelf for her to play with. 
SAD NEWS! Brilee fell off the chair after dinner and bumped her nose on the way down. This is her first bloody nose, and let me tell you... DRAMA! She cried for an hour, stopped crying, Jake came home, and she started crying about it again. Poor baby!
HAPPY NEWS! Rowdy is here! He was born on September 20. He weighed 7 pounds 11 ounces. 7-11... he is going to love Slurpee's!

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