

This weekend Stacia, Michael, Mom, Dad, Grandma, Grandpa, Jake, Brilee, and I all headed over to the Windy City! Most of us lost money, but we still had a great time! Brilee was a great baby and had a blast! Anytime anyone would walk by her she would say, "Whose that". People loved it and would stop and talk with her. She loved being able to go outside, but hated crawling on the turf. Grandma Cooley loved hearing Brilee tell her Mommy and Daddy "No, No, No" whenever we would take something from her. Thanks for a great trip everyone! We can't wait for the next one.
We were supposed to leave early Sunday morning, but Brilee would not wake up! We woke her up and then she snuggled up to her Daddy, and he didn't have the heart to move her. Before Brilee had the tubes put back in her ears she was waking up a lot throughout the night, but two days after her surgery she started sleeping 8-6, and on this morning she slept 7:30-8:30!
We stopped at Del Taco for lunch, and Brilee slept the whole time! Thanks for holding her Aunt Stacia.
The lunch we had hoped would be lucky...
Brilee and Grandma looking outside... Brilee spent all weekend asking us "What's that?" and "Whose that".
We accidently locked them out of the room, and so Grandma walked Brilee around the lobby.
Thumbs down from Jake, but hopefully next time we will have two thumbs up!
Stac and I
Heading out of town!

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