
The Final Weekends

Well, our bear hunt is coming to a close. The hunt really ends next weekend, but I have a race, and so Jake agreed to let this be his last weekend hunting. It has been so much fun. We have made so many memories with our little family (and nieces and nephews) that I will always treasure. I told Jake today that I am going to start putting in for the hunt, and that is twice the chance we will get it again soon! These past two weekends have proven that fall is coming. It has been rainy and cold. That makes the hunting hard, and the kids struggle because they have to spend a lot more time in the camper. Last weekend we went down Saturday morning, spent the day getting Scott unstuck, got to camp and crashed. Jake hunted for a few hours Sunday morning, and then we headed home. This weekend Jake went Thursday and caught a bear that night. He decided to come home and cut the hay on Friday, and then we left Friday around 6. On our way home I told Bri that Jens was coming again. She was excited but asked if she could bring Marley too. I said of course, and she said, "Ok... but we can't say a word about bears." Mar Sue bit the bullet and came with us. We got to camp just about dark, and had a nice night. Saturday Jake and Jens got up early and braved the cold/windy temps. We slept until 7, got ready, and then found Jake and Jens. They were just getting ready to come back to camp. We cooked breakfast and hung out for awhile. Decided to go cut a couple of roads, and then went back to the camper for naps. The kids played while Bronson slept. After he woke we went for an evening hunt. Again... no luck. So around 6 we went back to camp. Fixed dinner, and then watched a movie. All the kids were asleep by 8:15. This morning after we were up and going Bronson took a head dive off the couch. It was raining and I was over it. The girls, Bronson, and I took off around 9. We got home and the girls played their hearts out. Bronson fell asleep and I got everything cleaned and put away. It was nice to spend the majority of the day home. Jake and Jens showed up around 4 and we spent the evening playing, partying for Rowdy's b-day, and loving on our puppies. It's nice to know it's over, and it's nice we had the opportunities to spend two months worth of weekends in the Book Cliffs. (I now know the West side better than I ever have... and I have fought for fires in the Books for many years.)

 This was the second time Scott was stuck... (The video is below...)
 The wide one was a 2 point. Bronson is obsessed with "Bucks"

 Pic of the radar when we left.

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