
Tooth Fairyl

We have been dreading todays dentist appointment since the first of the summer when we scheduled it. The dentist causes a lot of anxiety for little Bri, and she has had it on the back of her mind for a couple of months now. She asks all the time "Is today the dentist day?" For a long time I would answer with, "No... it's still far away." Last week when she asked I explained it would be after cheer camp and school shopping. She instantly started crying, but again I told her not to worry it was still a long ways out. She asked numerous times a day the past week, and I could feel her stress. I always assured her she would be fine and it wouldn't be scary, but she was not easy to convince. On the way home from her cheer clinic performance she mentioned she knew it was time for the dentist cause she was done with cheerleading. We went school shopping Sunday (which was super fun and will become an annual tradition!), and Bri had a melt down on the way home. She got sent to her room right after we got, but she wasn't asleep an hour later. Jake and I went to talk to her and she said, "I'm just so scared of the dentist." Jake and I agreed that she had every right to be scared and so we just consoled her. She didn't sleep hardly at all, and by this point I was so ready for it to be over. We kept telling her she would be asleep and wouldn't remember any of it. She remembers so much from her tonsil procedure that her true fear was being put to sleep. We dropped Bronson off at Grammy's, and then we went to the BLM for a few minutes for Brilee to say hi. Hank teased her that he would just pull her teeth out, but she wasn't teasing. She thought it was a great idea, and I believe she would have let him. We finally headed to Dr. White at 9:00. He was great and had everything ready. He talked with us, and within minutes the  anesthesiologist was in the waiting room asking Brilee to pick a prize. As she was picking her prize he wiped her arm with an alcohol wipe and gave her shot without any warning. It was great. She fell asleep right there in my arms and they took her back. Jake and I waited 2.5 hours in the waiting room. We were so bored. Finally, Dr. White came to tell us all he was finished. We squared away our bill, and then they told us she was waking up. I could hear her calling for me all the way down the hall. She came out of it better than ever before. First thing she said, "Well... that was fun." We laughed and loved on her. They had us out of there within 10 minutes. So different from all the previous times she has been put under. On the way to Grammy's she said, "That was pretty easy huh?" We asked her what was easy and she said, "You know... pulling my teeth all out. And I love my gold teeth." (Her teeth are really silver, but she keeps calling them gold.) We snuggled at Grammy's while Bronson napped, and then we came home. We have watched Tooth Fairy 2 three times today. She couldn't wait to show her cousins her new smile and teeth. They were all so sweet with her. Tonight she went to bed with her teeth under her pillow, and can't wait to wake up to see if the Tooth Fairy really does come. We are breathing a sigh of relief tonight!

School Shopping:

Tooth Day:
 I hated to wake her up this morning. I swear she went to sleep about twenty minutes before I took this photo. 
 Last photo with the front teeth. 
 Waking up!

 Getting her cousin love in tonight. 

 Going to bed!
 Teeth under her pilow!!!


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