
Bear Hunt Part 2

Another weekend of our awesome bear hunt in the Book Cliffs has come to an end. We had a busy and fun work week hanging out with our wonderful family from Cali, and so by the time Thursday came around I could hardly believe it was time to head back down.

(The kids had a blast playing with GMA, GPA, and Jackie all week long. They went on neat/excruciating hikes, went to the museum, ate shaved ice, got spoiled rotten, played dinosaurs, and had a blast being the center of every ones attention. Brilee's highlight was showing off how she barrel races on Goldie. So cute! Thanks for everything guys!)

We got home from work around 5, and started racing around getting all our stuff done. Jake was hauling hay, I had to get pig supplies at IFA, and Bri HAD to have some cousin time! We went to the Laws' to take care of Del's cute new pig, and then Jake invited Jens to go bear hunting. Jens was so excited and so adorable. He instantly said yes. Bri then invited all the kids to our house. The kids all played. I got caught up on a weeks worth of laundry. Jake got everything ready for the weekend. Jens and his parents showed up, and I had decided I better get some orders finished at work and some house work finished before I headed down. So, Jake and Jens took off. They stopped at Pelican for dinner, and got to camp just before dark. Bri played with her cousins while I visited with Julie, Jenny, and Donny. They all took off, I put Bronson to bed, and then did all my yard work. Bri had gone to Granny's and Julie brought her home to me. It was around 9, and she kept telling me how nice Julie was to bring her home in the middle of the night. Friday I worked until 2 and then hit up Wal-Mart. We pulled out of town around 3. I called Jake to let him know we were on his way. He said they caught a bear, and it didn't tree. It went in a cave instead. The dogs all tried to get it out, but it was pretty rough on the dogs. Jake said he even felt kinda scared when he went to grab the dogs. The bear was huffing and growling at him. He said poor Jens was pretty freaked, but was a trooper. It made me laugh and I kept picturing it the whole drive. Bri watched Willy Wonka on the way down, and that was full of fun memories too. I'm loving the drive South Down and Bound now that it is a paved road most of the way! The kids and I got to camp and got to hang out and visit/play by the fire. Jake's friend Chris and his daughter had come out to hunt with us from Pleasant Grove. It was fun catching up with them. After some amazing sloppy joe's (seriously... I'm not a good cook, but for whatever reason these sloppy joes were crazy good) and cobbler we were off to bed. 5 came quickly, and I was shocked when Jens woke right up and was out the camper door to grab the dogs. He seriously loved it. The kids and I slept until 8, and then we made some pancakes (they were gross...). We played outside until we were too cold, and then watched movies and colored in the camper. Around 11 Jake and Jens showed up. We got the dogs water, and Jake took the older kids to get wood while Bronson napped. I played Candy Crush and went up 10 levels!!! (The game is kinda ruining my life, but I am not strong enough to delete it yet.) After they got back we had hot dogs and got rested up for the evening hunt. Unfortunately, while playing in the camper, Bronson figured out the door and tumbled out of the camper. It was heart breaking, and kind of scary. Chris kept saying how he sure didn't miss the stage of mishaps, and Bronson kept having mishaps.  Bri was so excited to go on the evening hunt she couldn't stand herself. Finally, we loaded everyone and everything up. We drove all over the place and saw some awesome deer. Jens couldn't believe all the "kings" we were seeing. He liked bear hunting, but he has some mad buck fever. Jake's friend Lance called around 7:30 to let us know he had a "hot" track and he had turned his dogs out. We headed his way and our dogs blew up on the track too. The bear was where Jake went last weekend. He knew better than turning loose in that canyon just before dark. So we listened to Lance's dogs... until we couldn't hear them. Jake asked where they were on his GPS and Lance sheepishly shared that in his excitement of the rig/track he forgot to turn the collars on. Jake has been there before... We ran into Jared Workman and another guy whose dogs had gone into the same canyon earlier in the morning, and they were just getting theirs back to the truck. After awhile of visiting with them we wished Lance luck and went back to camp. (As of this afternoon only half the dogs were found.) We got to camp and could hear coyotes which scared Jens and Brilee. They wanted right in the camper, and Bronson was a zombie so it was an easy night. Again at 5 in the morning Jens was right out of bed and ready to go. Myself and the kids, NO WAY! We slept until 8 again and then the kids had some oatmeal. We cleaned camp and waited for the mighty hunters to come back. After awhile my level of patience led me to the car. I got on top, and called Jake. He said they weren't having any luck but I could meet him on Monument Ridge. We drove there and hopped in with Jake. He was over it so we went to camp and cooked biscuits and gravy. After breakfast we cleaned everything up, hung out by the fire, and then came home. We spent the evening with a house full of cousins playing their hearts out, and then at bedtime the Mom's got to go walking. It was a perfect summer night!

 Lance had his Razor/Rhino thing down there and it made it so nice! The kids always wanted to go on it. 

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