
11 Months

B-Man is 11 months old today! I cannot believe we will be planning a birthday party during the next month! He is such a sweet and happy boy. He is very scheduled. As long as his basic needs are being met, on time, he won't give a person any issues! He still takes two 2 hour naps. He loves his bottle and baby food (thankfully because until we see the allergist that's all he gets!!)

I've always loved Bri's 11 month post, and so I'm doing the same for our little boy!!
My 11 wishes for Bronson Jake:
1. Health.
2. Always feel and know how loved you are!
3. Good friends.
4. Happiness will always come easy
5. See the best in the world and those around you.
6. Be best friends with your sister. Siblings are crucial in life!
7. Enjoy the little things and appreciate the big.
8. Always be gracious.
9. Value education and push yourself to achieve whatever you want.
10. Work hard
11. Be strong and confident within yourself.

We love you little boy!!

1 comment:

Kami said...

Your kids are so cute! I love the idea of posting about your wishes. How sweet! Sorry to hear about Bronson's allergy.