
Sugar Bugs

We spent our morning prepping Brilee for her big dental appointment. She came to the realization that she had no choice, and she was going to get her sugar bugs fixed. She had dinner last night, and then wasn't allowed to eat until after the procedure. We got to the dentist right on time, only to have to wait forever! She got sick of waiting and kept saying, "I am done. Lets go home." I felt the same way. Finally, it was her turn. We warned them about her rash the last time she had this done, and so they were extra cautious with her. We took her back, and watched them give her the shot. She cried and said, "owie, owie, owie" Soon, she was relaxed and falling into a deep sleep. Jake and I went to the waiting room to WAIT some more! Jake went to the store to buy me some lunch (we felt guilty eating in front of Brilee, and so we fasted with her...) He came back with the food, and the little boy who was after Brilee was in the waiting room. He hadn't eaten since dinner either, and so we felt mean eating in front of him. Brilee had a lot of work done, and it took forever. Finally, the nurse came and got us. She said, "I think we found what she is allergic to." Turns out she is allergic to non latex gloves. Odd. Where the ladies had held her head up, and where they placed the stuff to monitor her breathing was covered in hives. They went away fast, and haven't come back! Brilee woke up a lot better this time, and she was hilarious again! She is such a cutie! She has been pretty whiney this afternoon, but I think it's well deserved.
Right when we were leaving...

Weird things happen around here when Jake trains horses. I don't know which is crazier the fact the horse would have walked right in the house; or the fact Jake would have let him walk right in.
She's been practicing her back bends... Pretty impressive!

1 comment:

Matt and Kaylin said...

What a cutie she is. When is your little boy by the way?
Also, I'm sorry to tell you this, but I vote with Jake on the name... I like Bronsen. :)