
Asthma and Traditions

So this should be two posts, but I am just combing it into one…

Well… my biggest fear for when Jake was in North Dakota came true, but it was no where near as bad as I was imagining in my head. When Jake left Bri was a sick little girl, and I was soooo scared of the day Bronson caught it. I just knew he would, and how do you avoid it? Tuesday Bronson was coughing and sneezing, Wednesday he started his little rattle he gets when he is getting sick, and Thursday he was full on wheezing after his nap. I called DinoLand and they got me right in, and I LOVE them for always doing that for me. We saw Dr. Cooper who I love. (He was the first to pin point the egg and milk allergy and get us into our awesome GI and Allergy specialist.) He came in and said, "We are seeing him too much for respiratory issues. We need to treat the asthma." I explained how I really just didn't want to believe Bronson had asthma. He told me if he knew NOTHING about Bronson and was told to listen to him his first thought would be, "Oh, this boy is asthmatic." I am finally accepting it and we will treat the asthma with daily (twice daily actually) steroid breathing treatments with the nebulizer. But first we have to stop the cold he already has. So he got a shot of steroids in the leg, and a four day oral steroid. The oral steroid is the MOST disgusting thing I have ever tasted and Bronson WILL NOT take it. So, this cold is lasting longer that I like but he is getting better. Bronson mimicked every noise the doctor made, and when the puppy book was handed to him he got his big eyes and kiss face on that the doc just loved. Then Bronson told the doctor all about Lucy and Ollie. It was the cutest thing ever, and the doctor told me how smart Bronson was. I hope the daily asthma treatments will make it so Bronson handles catching colds better, but also hopefully it will keep him healthier.

Now on to traditions!
Jake got home from North Dakota Friday night. The kids, Grammy, and I were already at Julies' working on our chocolates. Jake walked in and Bronson was like in shock. He gets nervous around Ben, but as soon as he could make the dive into Jake's arms he did. Jake grabbed him and Bronson instantly said, "I go home." It was so sweet. Jake took the kids home and we worked on the peanut butters until about 10 then I called Jake to come get me. He said Bronson wouldn't take his bottle and therefore was still awake. (I had decided we could trick Bronson with his steroid and told Jake to put it in his night bottle… NOPE, didn't work.) And he said Bri really didn't to come out in the cold, so he left her home alone. I ran outside, jumped in the car, and Jake started backing up. We hit some ice and slid just right… We smacked right into Julie's new car, and it was the loudest crack ever. (It was -18 and that made everything so brittle.) We wanted to bawl… Not so much for our car, but poor Julie! UGH!!!!! Jake took me home and then went back over to assess the damage. My car has a huge hole in the bumper and Julie's is pretty bad too. SORRY JULIE! We went home and went to bed. Saturday morning Bronson was screaming for a donut, and so we ran to Jubilee got his donut, and then Jake dropped me off back to the chocolate factory. Granny had taken a scientific approach this year and decided in order to get the number of boxes we would all need we needed 620 of each type of chocolate. We started with turtles, then caramels. This took all morning. We ate lunch and then dug into the cherries. By then Stac, Julie, Jenny, Mandy, and I were all at the table. We sampled enough fondant to make us sick. We knew we needed to light a fire under our buns in order to get all the chocolates done so we started having races to five… and that DANG JENNY kept winning. I totally thought I had it in the bag cause I feel pretty efficient in my chocolate molding skills. Julie and Stac would announce when they would finish one and I knew I was just right ahead of them but then JENNY would yell done. Right before me each time. I was not happy. The silent ones always surprise you. We seriously had such a blast at our table. It was lots of laughs and teasing. Then there was an incident when Donny threw powdered sugar on us… Around 10 we were still going strong but Aaron needed to get going and my Mom was her ride. So they had to leave. I then started boxing the chocolates and before I knew it we were at midnight. We are always finished around 7-8 and so this was a LONG chocolate day. We did two more bricks of chocolate than usual. I kept waiting for Jake to call and say Bronson needed me (when he is sick sleep doesn't happen). We left Julies at 1, and when I got home my family was all OUT!!!! And slept all night. It was beautiful. I love chocolate day and the crazy family we have!!! Julie is a saint for letting us all come to her house, and Granny is awesome.
 Best advent gift ever!

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