
Halloween '13

I love Halloween. I love the kids, I love the costumes, I love visiting friends, and I love candy. It seriously is so fun. We celebrated two days this year. Yesterday was the trunk-or-treat. We left work a little early and raced home to get the kids in their costumes and be ready by 5:30. We got to the church a couple of minutes early. Bronson found a Sugar Daddy and was sneaky stealing it from Grandpa Birchell. He grabbed it and took off to hide. He got the wrapper off and was eating it, but he was acting so secretative. He felt like he was really getting away with something. The kids started making their way around the trunks and Bri just jumped right in with Chloey and Marley. She was so big. I followed her because she was so cute, not because she needed me. I was proud of her as I heard her say "Thank-you" for each piece of candy she got. Numerous people told her how sweet and polite she was. Jake tried getting Bronson to come out of hiding and go to the trunks, but he wouldn't. He just sat there eating his Sugar Daddy. He has no clue what he missed out on, but he thought he was winning the lottery. After Bri had been to all the trunks Jake, Bronson, and I took off. (I am super paranoid about Bronson in pot luck situations.) We cooked dinner and get our pumpkins ready for carving. As soon as Angie dropped Brilee off we started carving. Jake carved his brand and a happy face pumpkin. I did a mean pumpkin, and then Bri said NO MORE! She hates touching the "guts" and thinks it smells gross. Jake and I were good with this. We lit the candles, threw the kids in the tub, and had them in bed just after 8. This morning we dropped Bronson and Jake off at Grammy's and Bri and I headed to the preschool party. I love watching Bri in the school setting. It is so cute and so fun!!!! She made it to the championship round in musical chairs... TWICE! One time she won... one time she lost. The class was talking about rhyming words. The kids are all struggling with the concept (they are young!), but there were two kids kinda getting it. The word they were rhyming was LIP. The class worked out sip and rip. Then Bri gets all proud, raises her hand, and says, "KANGAROO". haha... close but not close.  Grammy worked with her, and by this afternoon she told me chip and dip. After preschool I went to work while Bri, Bronson, and Grammy went to Stacia's class to help with her Halloween party. The kids loved it. After work we got the kids back into costume and grabbed dinner with Grammy and Stac. Then Grammy went home to man the fort and the rest of us went trick-or-treating. We went to Jesse Bassett and Morgan's house first. They were prepared for us, and they were so sweet! They spoiled the kids rotten. Like Bronson got a full bag of dum dum suckers. After we went to Sarah's and ran into the Nybergs. Bronson was sick of getting in his car seat by now so we cut the night short. We went to the Bertagnolli's and there house was hopping with treaters. They had 30+ in the 15 minutes we were there. They also spoiled the kids with cars and fancy chocolate. Bronson loved their house and all their fun pumpkin decorations. We loaded in the car and went to Grammy's. We walked over to Parrack's and then to Grammy and Papa's. We said our tearful goodbyes (Bri really wanted a sleep over but the tears made it so her parents had to say no). We got home went to Granny's, came home, bathed the kids, and put them to bed! Exhausted and happy. What a good ending to Halloween!

Here comes 100000000 pictures and a movie...

 This is their new favorite toy/past time. They love when I get the laundry baskets out for laundry day. 

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