

Bronson Jake is four months old today! This month has been awesome. Bronson is finally feeling better, and becoming an easy little baby. We love him more than words can describe, and feel he is the perfect fit for our family. This was a big month for our little Bronskey (Bri comes up with some good names!). He had many firsts, including;
*First night in a hotel
*First new car
*First time swimming
*First time on an air plane
*First time at the beach
*First time away from Mom for more than 12 hours (harder on mom than him)
*First camping trip
*First time intentionally rolling back to tummy, and then today he started tummy to back
*First time eating rice cereal... loves.it.a.lot.
*First horse ride (ok... sit)
*First football game (made it to half time)
*First trip to Cabela's
*First walk up towers (probably last for awhile too)
*First time being called a "happy baby" He is now the giggliest little dude, and I am so glad!

That moment when you know your picture is being interrupted...

We canned salsa this weekend (post to come) and Bronson was a gem. Mainly because his sweet cousin Chloey was there to entertain him!

In the next month we hope to be able to say... FIRST TIME SLEEPING ALL THE WAY THROUGH THE NIGHT. He has been pretty close a time our two, but we really are ready for some consistent night sleeping. Any advice will be appreciated.

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