

What a week! I love this time of year. We are always going. Wednesday we all went to the carnival. It was a great experience. Brilee loves rides. I am so GRATEFUL! Thursday I went and tried the lake swim for the triathlon I am doing this month. It was AWFUL. I need to practice swimming in a lake before the big day. The water was so cold it took my breath away, this gave me the heeby jebby's BAD, and from then on I was a whimp. I will improve. Friday we went to Relay for Life. I love Relay weekend! It was a good time and all for a GREAT cause. Today we had Carly, Paul, Josie, and Derrick up to the cabin for a BBQ. It was so fun hanging out with them! Hopefully next time the wind won't blow. Tomorrow we leave for Yellowstone (if I get off the computer and start packing). 
Heading to the greatest place in Roosevelt... the carnival!
Always a good time.
We put Brilee, Chazzy, and Marley together on this train ride. They all thought they were bigger than they really are!
Stacia talked Jake into riding the Orbiter. It really isn't that fun.
But we all go every year... WHY???
Scooter was all about Relay!
McKenna and the girls. 

Brilee loves babies. Especially this little girl! Addy is so cute I can see why Brilee malls her!
After dinner we headed to the peak! Brilee was exhausted and so her first experience at Ice Cave will not be remembered.

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