
Another trip to the cabin!

Jake and I had to make a quick trip to the cabin to bring home our horses so Jake could go to team sorting. Our plan was to just run up, hope to catch the horses, and run home. As we were getting ready to go Megan came to our house and so we were able to take her and Elly with us. When we got their my parents were there. Megan got out of the truck and the horses walked right up to her. Jake was so impressed. He told her to keep petting them and then she slowly put her arm around Clancy and Jake quickly put the halter on him. It was the easiest time we have EVER had catching the horses at the cabin. Thanks Megan! We ate a yummy dinner and then took a walk to Flower Valley. Elly and Megan picked flowers and played in the hammock. Megan then decided she wanted to try to drive the Rhino. I was the first victim of Megan's driving. I was a little nervous, but turns out she was a great driver! I was so impressed I made her give Jake and my Dad a ride. They were equally impressed. We had such a great time, and can't wait for our next trip to the cabin!
Jake always teases me because I always take pictures of people in the car.
Cute girls!
They really were about to fall off the hammock.
Love the flowers!
She rocks! She is already a better driver than most people with licenses.
She gave her bouquet to Granny.
This poor dog was left by his owners early this spring. He shows up at the cabin whenever we are there. We really like him, but Tator really hates him so he stays on the mountain.
Thanks to Megan these horses didn't even have a chance to run away from us.
Jake got in the Rhino and made Megan buckle up!

Del found these moose sheds two years ago. My dad had Keith McMullin mount them. They turned out so pretty. 

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