Jake got to spend his first Father's Day camping on Diamond Mountain and competing in the annual hound dog trials. We were able to borrow Granny's camper so Brilee and I could go with him. We left Friday evening and came home Sunday afternoon. After a restless nights sleep Friday (we camped by everyone and their DOGS... literally) Jake got up and signed our dogs up for the short drag. We had two dogs in the puppy heat and three dogs in the junior heats. Our junior dogs were always close, but never close enough. Our little puppy Yodi ended up winning his heat, and taking fourth over all. We were happy for him! After the short drag they had a five dog bear pack. They turn five dogs loose and time them to see how long it takes all five dogs to get to the tree and start treeing. Jake, Hal, and Hal's friend combined their best dogs and ended up getting second place. There picture will be in the magazine Full Cry next month. Sunday morning we were up early getting ready for the bear drag. Jake decided to only put Grit in the competition. Everyone who was participating was on the start line at six thirty. Approximately fifty dogs were turned lose and approximately forty-eight dogs started chasing elk within five minutes of the competition. Grit was an elk chaser. It was so funny to see so many people with lost dogs. Luckily all dogs were found in time to compete in the swim competition (my favorite). The put a raccoon on a little make shift boat and pull it across Crouse Reservoir. The dogs swim behind the little boat and the first dog out of the water and first dog to "tree" win the competition. Jake only put our three older dogs in. The first dog didn't swim (Halo), second dog took what looked to me like third (Grit), and our last dog took third (Weasel). First two go to the finals so we thought we lost. We loaded up and headed home. After we got home Jake got a call wondering where Grit was for the finals in the swim. Apparently the second place dog in her heat got disqualified (swimming out of the lines, the cheater!) and so Grit should have been in the finals. Brilee did so well camping, and was the hit of the party! She is such a happy content baby. We are so lucky! When the weather was bad she played in the camper, when the weather was good she watched all the dogs, but the one thing she didn't do was sleep Friday or Saturday. Friday night there were so many dogs barking and she got cold so she never could get into a deep sleep. During the day Saturday there was so much going on she didn't want to miss anything. She had her dinner at seven thirty Saturday night and I didn't see her pretty eyes until six the next morning (and I woke her up). She slept most of Sunday and is finally caught up after today. Brilee gave her Daddy a new pair of boots and pants for Father's Day. Jake is a great Dad and I am so grateful for everything he does for me. Brilee and I sure love her Daddy.

This is Weasel's heat. He is the second dog (one dog already finished.)

Weasel getting out of the water.

Family Picture

She is such an awesome baby! She just goes with the flow.

She liked Granny's camper! (Look closely... YES those are dogs on her PJ's)

Ben, Andre, and their kids came and visited us Saturday! I was so glad they came. They added a lot of excitement to our afternoon. And, like always, Ben and Andre saved Jake and me from starvation! Thanks for coming, and for cooking a yummy dinner.

Our two little thumb sucking TWINERS!

She really thought she was big stuff with her Dad. Look at that face she is giving me.

Brilee and Weasel.