

Brilee had another great year of dance. She ended with her dance recital on Tuesday at the rec. center. Taunia decided to do a recital for her four and five year olds so she could really focus on them. She feels bad that they always get rushed, and just wanted them to have a night all about them. It was perfect, adorable, and over in thirty minutes! Bri was so excited for her "dance competition". I decided to take her to the hair school to let them do her hair and nails before it. She hates for me to curl her hair (I burned her when she was 2, and I will NEVER let it down), and so it's a win/win. She feels special and they do her hair just how it's supposed to be done. Brilee did awesome, and we were so proud of her. Right before it was her time to go on Bronson went to hug her. After the hug he ripped her stars right off her costume (freakishly strong dude). She wanted to cry and had a look of horror/hate on her face. Luckily, Granny was there, and saved the day. Bri shook it off and did great. I love Taunia and how she treats my little girl. She boosts her up and is instilling confidence in her that will last her life. Next year we start ballet!!!!

 The little girl sitting by Brilee is named Brynlee. Bri met her at the park last summer and they became instant friends. She talked about Brynlee all summer long. It was such a happy surprise when Brynlee showed up for our same dance class! They are really cute little friends, and even better, Brynlee will be in kindergarten next year at Ashley!
 Right before the damage… I thought it was so cute he wanted his sissy… WRONG!

One of my favorite things in their dance class is every week Taunia has each little girl stand up and say their name. She then asks them a question (what do you like to do? what makes you happy? what are you excited for?) and then they sit down. After each girl has had their turn to talk they dance. I was happy when Taunia had all the girls do this before the recital. 

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