

Our Halloween started at Bri's preschool party on Monday. We dressed up, and had a great time. Brilee is so adorable at school. She is such a good student, and so sweet. I loved being able to go and watch her interact in that setting, and she enjoyed having me there. Wednesday was a day of partying. We had the BLM party at noon, then Stac had her class party which Bri and Bronster were excited to attend, trunk or treat, and finally a little door to door trick-or-treating to finish the night off. It was a beautiful day, and the perfect evening. Brilee was an adorable cheerleader, and there was not a cuter tiger in the world! Our only mishap of the whole night came when we were doing our door to door trick-or-treating and a huge gorilla came up behind us. Bri and Chaz freaked, and the night was declared over. I believe Chaz's words were, "I hate trick-or-treating, and scary things in the dark." So, mission accomplished until next year.

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